Recovering Sybase

Recovering from a database problem starts with diagnosing exactly what is wrong with the database. Maybe isql will not connect to the dataserver, maybe the database is marked suspect, or maybe an error message in the errorlog occurs when the dataserver is started. In all of these cases and others, something has gone wrong where it had gone right before. Fortunately, with the proper backups, many of these problems can be fixed and the database restored to full working order.

Sybase has many parts that are inter-related, but like Sherlock Holmes investigating a mystery, if we eliminate from consideration the items that are working correctly, only the error-causing parts will remain. This section provides step-by-step directions to diagnosing and repairing all of these error-causing parts, and when completed, will leave a fully functional dataserver.

A flow-chart that appears at the beginning of these steps should help you in the recovery process. Each item in the chart is numbered the same as the steps and procedures below. The electronic version of this procedure contains a flowchart that is an HTML image map. Each decision or action box in the flow chart is a hyperlink to the appropriate section of the printed procedure. For more detailed information about individual steps, please consult Sybase's System Administration documentation, especially the "Backup and Recovery" chapter.

To begin the investigation, start the dataserver like it is normally started. If problems show up in the Sybase error log file, or the dataserver does not come up start with Step 1 to begin the recovery/diagnosis procedure.


Step 1: Runfile Ok?

Sybase starts up by using the startserver program. In both OSs, the program take an additional parameter -f runfilename that is the file containing the server startup command and parameters. If this file is missing, or the path given for the runfile is incorrect, the startserver command will return an error "Cannot execute file runfilename". If the path is incorrect for the file, correct it and start again. If you are unsure of the path being used, change your directory to the location of the runfile then run the command, but only specify the runfile name. Sybase will then try looking in your current default directory for the file.

If the runfile is OK, proceed to step 3. If not, proceed to step 2. Step 2: Restore or Recreate Runfile

If the file is missing, it can be recreated fairly easily. There is nothing magical about this text file. It contains the command and parameters to start the server. Figure F contains a sample runfile for a Unix system.



# SQL Server Information:


# master device: /sybdata/master.dbf

# master device size: 10752

# errorlog: /opt/sybase/logs/SYB_MYDB.errorlog

# interfaces: /opt/sybase


/opt/sybase/bin/dataserver -d/sybdata/master.dbf -sSYB_MYDB \

-e/opt/sybase/logs/SYB_MYDB.errorlog -i/opt/sybase

Figure F: Sample runfile
As seen in the comment lines, dataserver takes a number of different parameters. Again, check Sybase’s documentation for your OS for more details. The most important parameter shown is the master device. The master device is the primary device used by the master database, and the master database is one of the keystones of a Sybase server. The master database contains a majority of the information about all the other databases, devices, and other dataserver objects, including the location of the master device.The -s dataservername is how the dataserver knows what name to call itself. If this is omitted, Sybase assumes a dataserver of the name SYBASE is being started.

The -e errorlog points to the full filename and path of the dataserver’s errorlog. During an install, Sybase defaults to the $SYBASE/install directory. Because this directory contains a number of important files other than the error log, it is recommended that this be changed to point to another directory, maybe $SYBASE/logs/. Also, if there is more than one dataserver on the system, the errorlog filename should be changed. Appending the ".errorlog" suffix to each dataserver name provides each server with its individual errorlog file, making tracking errors down much simpler.

The next parameter to look at is interface parameter, -i interfacedir. This is the directory where Sybase can find the interface file. In some systems, there might be two interface files - one or more for the users to use, and one for the Sybase system to use. The different interface files could contain different selections of server entries, preventing the users or the dataserver from accessing all the Sybase servers available. If this parameter is omitted, Sybase will look in the directory pointed to by $SYBASE environmental variable.

One parameter that is not shown here is the configuration file parameter -c configfile. As of version 11, Sybase can be started using a configuration file. This file contains the text of all the configuration options on the dataserver, and their values. When no -c parameter is specified, Sybase defaults to the file servername.cfg found in the directory where the dataserver is started.

Two additional parameters can be used with the dataserver program - the version parameter -v and the single user mode parameter -m. The version number parameter is handy to use when you need to see the current version of the database program, and do not want to search for it in the errorlog.

The single-user mode -m, or maintenance mode is used to bring the dataserver up so only the "sa" account can access the dataserver. This is required when doing certain recovery procedures, and in general, when there is a need to prevent user access while maintenance is being done.

It is easy to recreate this file by using a text editor to create a script like the one above, but with the values of your dataserver. Once the file is created, and the account that starts the dataserver has access to it, run the startserver –f runfile command.

Once you've replace the runfile, return to step 1. Step 3: Able to Get Shared Memory?

Like most database products, Sybase uses shared memory to communicate between dataserver processes, process queries, and store sections of the database for quick access. If Sybase is prevented from acquiring the minimum shared memory it needs, it will fail to come up and instead will error out with a message like the following:

00:1999/03/21 23:39:02.78 kernel os_create_region: can't allocate 2147479552


00:1999/03/21 23:39:02.80 kernel kbcreate: couldn't create kernel region.

00:1999/03/21 23:39:02.80 kernel kistartup: could not create shared memory

If you are able to get to shared memory, proceed to Step 6. If not, proceed to Step 4.
Step 4: Free Up Shared Memory or Reconfigure Memory in Configuration File

As mentioned above, changes in configuration parameters can cause the Sybase server to need additional memory. This in turn can required the Sybase server to request a larger shared memory segment from the OS. There are two things that can prevent this from happening. One, the maximum shared memory segment size is undersized, and two, there is not enough shared memory on the system to allow this to run.

In the first case, the solution is to increase the maximum shared memory segment value appropriately for the OS. Because Sybase is supported on many different OSs, how to change this is not shown here. Please refer to the appropriate operating system sybase installation manual for further information on setting this value.

In the second case, either shared memory needs to be added to the system, or shared memory needs to be freed up from other processes. Please contact a System Administrator for help in accomplishing either of these.

You can view the shared memory being used by using the ipcs command. Check the man pages for the correct usage of the command, but the output should look something like this:

------ Shared Memory Segments --------

shmid owner perms bytes nattch status

129 sybase 600 11964416 1

2 sybase 666 1024 3

56 curtis 606 33334342 3

Here, the "curtis" process has also taken some of the shared memory for itself. By stopping this process, the shared memory should be freed up. If stopping the process does not free up the memory, it can be freed using the Unix command ipcrm. Again, check the Unix man pages for more information on this command on your operating system.

If none of these solutions helps the problem, the changes in the configuration options will need to be reverted to allow the dataserver to come up correctly.

Helpful Hint: If possible, make one change to the configuration options at a time. Sybase configuration options interact, some causing the system to need more memory, other less. By making one change at a time, the configuration option that prevents the system from restarting is known and can be adjusted accordingly.

Once you have corrected these problems, return to step 1.

Step 5: Able to Connect to Dataserver?

When Sybase starts, it needs the interface file so it can set up all the interprocess and network communication parameters. This interfaces file is usually named interfaces, interface, or sql.ini, depending on the operating system.

If you are able to connect, proceed to step 7. If not, proceed to step 6. Step 6: Check Interface File

If Sybase cannot find the file, or there is something wrong with it, Sybase will error-out during startup with a message like one of the following:

00:1999/03/22 00:17:46.54 kernel Could not open interface file


00:1999/03/22 00:22:16.15 kernel Could not find name 'SYB_MYDB' in the

interfaces file /opt/sybase/interfaces

To correct the first error, make sure the interface file is located where the runfile says it should be located. If the interface file is in a different directory, either adjust the runfile to point to the correct directory, or move the interface file to the directory specified in the runfile.

The second entry means the lines for the dataserver being started (in this case SYB_MYDB) cannot be found in the interface file. To fix this problem, either add an entry using the appropriate method for your operating system. Please see the Sybase Operating System specific documentation for more information.

Once the entry is in the correct interface file, re-run the startserver command to see if this has fixed the problem.

Once you have corrected any problems with the interfaces file, return to step 1. Step 7: Master Database Initialized?

The master database is the most important database in the system; not only does it contain all the information about all the other databases, but it is also the repository of all information regarding logins, roles, devices, usage of those devices, and configuration options on the system. It is imperative that this database comes up correctly. Otherwise, the rest of the dataserver would not work at all.

If the Master database did initialize, proceed to step 14. If it did not, proceed to step 8. Step 8: Master Device/File Missing?

The first information that something is wrong with the master database would most likely be the following error messages displayed during startup:

00:1999/03/22 00:53:48.44 kernel kdconfig: unable to read primary master


00:1999/03/22 00:53:48.44 kernel kiconfig: read of config block failed

These lines are preceded by a line that will tell you why the system could not read the primary master device. To fix these problems, go to the section on "Problems With Data Devices." If none of the solutions in that section corrects the problem, you must restore the master database (proceed to Step 9).

If there are no problems accessing the master data device, then the problem might be the master database has been corrupted. This type of problem could show a number of strange symptoms if the dataserver was already running. For example, isql will crash with program errors when trying to connect, or currently running queries will also crash.

If strange things like these start happening, the best thing to do is to try to restart the dataserver. Because in situations like this, almost all access to the dataserver will, the normal use of the isql command shutdown cannot be used. Instead, the dataserver process must be stopped at the operating system level. In Unix, this can be done using the kill command. This should only ever be used during extreme situations such as when the dataserver is consuming up all the processing of the system. Only use kill if nothing else will help because it could cause corruption of the databases in the dataserver.

Once the dataserver is down, check to make sure memory used by Sybase has been freed. See Step 5.for more information on shared memory. When the shared memory has been freed, try starting the dataserver using normal starting procedures.

If the dataserver fails to start, see if there are errors on the master device in the dataserver error log. Go to Step 15. and make sure their are no problems there. If there are, correct the problem with the device, and try restarting again.

If there are no problems with the physical devices, the master database will need to be completely recovered from backup.

If there are any problems with the physical devices, proceed to step 9. Otherwise, proceed to step 10. Step 9: Restoring Generic Master Database

Follow these steps to restore the generic master database:

  1. Backup Server Up?



    Make sure your backup server is up and running. It will be used later to restore any backups of the master database and to back up the restored database when the recovery is finished.

  3. Create data device



    Since the master device was corrupted, it must be created anew. Open up the runfile used to start the Sybase server in a text editor. Note the master device path and the size of the master device; they will be used in the buildmaster command below to recreate the master device.

    To recreate the master device, enter the following buildmaster command or the OS equivalent needed by the downed server:

    buildmaster –d /sybdata/master.dbf –s 8704

    The –d option is the master device path and the -s is the size in pages. For this example, the master device being created is 17MB (8704 2K pages) on /sybdata/master.dbf.

  5. Startup in Master Recovery Mode



    To start the dataserver in master recovery mode, first make a copy of the current runfile. Edit this file, and add the -m master recovery mode parameter. When the change is done, use this file to start the dataserver process with the startserver –f master_runfile command. This mode will allow the master database’s system tables to be updated and prevent users from accessing the system.

  7. Recreate Master’s Entries in Usages



    Before anything more can be done to restore the data into the master database, the master device needs to be restored to the same usage as it was when the last backup of the master database was performed. Using hardcopies of the system tables sysusages, sysdevices, and sysdatabases, the entries in sysusages can be recreated with alter database and create database commands.

    To decide if anything needs to be done to at this point, examine the dbid column in sysusages. If more than one entry for dbid equals 1 (see sysdatabases, dbid = 1 = master db), additional space will need to be added into the master database to make the sysusages in the server match the one on paper. If there is only one entry, the sysusages entry does not need any work and the next step is "Add Backup Server Entry into sysservers".

    Figures G-I contain example outputs of the three tables needed for this restore. Note: the T-SQL statement to extract this information is provided above the table output.

    select name,dbid from sysdatabases order by dbid

    name dbid

    ------------------------------ ------

    master 1

    tempdb 2

    model 3

    sybsystemprocs 4

    sybsyntax 5

    mydb 6

    Figure G: sysdatabases

    select * from sysusages order by vstart

    dbid segmap lstart size vstart pad unreservedpgs

    ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ -------------

    1 7 0 1536 4 NULL 112

    3 7 0 1024 1540 NULL 608

    2 7 0 1024 2564 NULL 608

    1 7 1536 1024 3588 NULL 920

    5 7 0 1024 4612 NULL 272

    1 7 2560 2048 5636 NULL 2048

    4 7 0 8192 16777216 NULL 864

    6 3 0 5120 67108864 NULL 4720

    6 4 5120 2560 83886080 NULL 2552

    Figure H: sysusages

    select * from sysdevices

    low high status cntrltype name phyname

    -------- ----------- ------ --------- ------------ --------------------------

    0 10751 3 0 master d_master

    67108864 67113983 2 0 mydbdev /sybdata/mydbdev.dbf

    83886080 83888639 2 0 mydblogdev /sybdata/mydblogdev.dbf

    16777216 16785407 2 0 sysprocsdev /sybdata/sybprocs.dbf

    0 1280 16 3 tapedump1 /dev/st0

    0 20000 16 4 tapedump2 /dev/st1

    Figure I: sysdevices

    Since this is a recovery of the master database, we only have to restore up to the last master database entry in sysusages. These would be those where "dbid = 1," and the vstart less than or equal to the high value from the master device, master, in sysdevices. Notice that there are entries between the first and last master db entries on the master device. When restoring the master database, these entries must also be duplicated. In this example,

    Fortunately, buildmaster has already done part of the work by recreating the first three entries that correspond with the master, tempdb, and model databases. In this example, there are only three entries to restore.

    Now that the entries to be restored are known, the work of restoring them with the alter database and create database commands can begin. Use the dbid value in sysusages to find out which database entry needs to be added next. In this example, the master database was extended for an additional 1024 blocks. This equates to 2MB of spaces on the master device. Because the master database already exists, this alter database command must be used.

    alter database master on master = 2

    The next entry has a dbid that corresponds to the sybsyntax database. Its segment size is also 1024, so it size is 2MB. Since this database has not been created yet, the following create database command must be used:

    create database sybsyntax on master = 2

    Continuing to the final entry, the dbid signifies that it is another entry for the master database. The size in this case is 2048 Blocks that equals 4MB (2048/512). The next command to run would therefore be:

    alter database master on master = 4

    Now that all the entries for the master database are finished, a load can be performed of the backup, but only after the dataserver knows about the backup server.

  9. Add Backup Server Entry into sysservers
To be able to do the recovery, the dataserver needs to know the name of the backup server. If it is not SYB_BACKUP, an entry will need to be added to sysservers.

Use the following T-SQL command to update an entry into sysservers.

begin transaction

update sysservers

set srvnetname = "BIG_BACKUP"

where srvname = "SYB_BACKUP"


/* Make sure the change is correct */

select srvnetname,srvname from sysservers

where srvname = "SYB_BACKUP"

/* If the change is correct */

commit transaction

/* If the change is not correct */

rollback transaction

Proceed to step 10.
Step 10: Recent Dump of Master Database? If there is a recent dump of the master database, proceed to step 12. If one does not exist, proceed to step 13. Step 11: Restore Master from Dump Use the following T-SQL command to load the backup of the master database into the system. You might have to change the "from" section of the command to match what is needed for your operating system and environment. Review the section on using the load command for more information. When the backup finishes, the dataserver will automatically shut itself down.

load database master from "/dev/nrmt0"

Proceed to step 12.
Step 12: Update Number of Devices in the Configuration When a buildmaster is performed, the configuration options of the system start at their default values. This can cause problems when the system next comes up because the "number of devices" is one of those values. It needs to be set to the value it was when the backup was done, or not all the original devices will come up.

If the Sybase version of the dataserver is before version 11, follow the procedures in the Sybase System Administration manual to set the value of "Number of Devices" to the value it was before the recovery began.

If the version is 11 and later, edit the dataserver’s configuration file, and make sure the "number of devices" is set correctly. Next, edit the runfile created earlier, adding or modifying the -c configuration file parameter to point to the proper configuration file.

At this point, the recovery is nearly done, but before the users are allowed back onto the system, it is best to double check all the changes made during the recovery. Also, if additional device or database changes were made since the time of the master database backup, these changes will all need to be made.

To prevent the users from accessing the system, and to allow the system tables to be updated, again start the dataserver in master recovery mode. Use the runfile edited in Step 2 in a start server command appropriate for your operating system.

Proceed to step 13.
Step 13: Restore System Tables Using disk reinit and disk refit

Once the system comes up, check the system tables sysusages, sysdevices, and sysdatabases against the backup hardcopies. If there are devices on your hardcopy that are not listed in the system, then an additional device was added since the master backup was performed. In this case, a disk reinit will update the sysdevices table from information on the device. If the alter database or create database commands were run since the last backup, disk refit must be run to resync the dataserver with the additional devices and databases available on the system.

disk reinit

The command to resync devices is disk reinit, and it will add a device back into the sysdevices table without initializing the device itself. To run this command correctly, you will need the parameters used when the device was first being created with the disk reinit command. The command syntax is in Figure J:

begin transaction

disk reinit

name = " device_name",

physname = "physical_name",

vdevno = virtual_device_number,

size = number_of_blocks

[, vstart = virtual_address,

cntrltype = controller_number]


/* Review the sysdevices table to make sure it matches with

what is in hard copy */

select * from sysdevices


/* If everything matches */

commit transaction

/* If there are differences */

rollback transaction

Figure J: Syntax of disk reinit
As you can see, the syntax is exactly like the disk init command except for the word reinit. Make sure to run this only for devices that do not already appear in the sysdevices table.

disk refit

Once all devices that had been added to the system after the backup have been redefined in sysdevices, all databases additions and changes to databases after the backup can be resynced. The command to do this is called disk refit. What it does is visit every disk defined on the system, and use system information stored in it to reset the sysusages and sysdatabases tables to what they should be. The command syntax is in Figure ?:

disk reinit
Figure J: Syntax of disk refit
There are two restrictions on this command. First, it must be run as SA, and second, the system must be started in single-user mode or the command will not be allowed. Once the command finishes running, the system will automatically shutsdown.

Once either or both of these commands have been run, compare the values in sysusages and sysdatabases to make sure they match the hardcopy of these tables. If they do not, the system could come up without all devices and databases being online.

For more information on how to run disk refit and disk reinit, see the Sybase System Administration Guide.

Review sysusages/sysdatabases/sysdevices/syslogins/sysloginroles

Because the master database contains information about all the other databases, it is important to make sure everything is in working order. Follow these checks to help confirm the fitness of your newly restored master database.

  1. Check the sysdevices, sysusages and sysdatabases system tables.
  2. Review each database, checking all the major tables. Run common selects on these tables verifying the data inside.
  3. Run the dbcc checkalloc command on all databases. See the section Database consistency checker: the dbcc utility for information on how to run this command.
  4. Double-check the ownership and permissions of all databases. If user logins were added or deleted since the backup of the master database, these changes will need to be run against the system again in the same order they were originally added to the system. If these changes are done out of order, the suids of the logins added will be different than when they were first added to the system. This will cause a mismatch between the suid controlling the ownership and permissions in a database and those in the system logins. Because of this, there could be problems with access to the databases and objects in the dataserver.
To make sure the suids are the same, compare the hardcopy of the syslogin system table and the online version of the table. If they do not match, there could be problems. Refer to Sybase’s Security Information Guide for more information on recreating changes to logins if the original scripts cannot be found.

Another art of Sybase’s security is login roles. The sysloginroles system table contains information regarding these roles. It is important that this table also is checked to make sure all roles are the same as before the problem started, otherwise users might not have the same abilities as before. To make sure they are the same, compare the hardcopy of sysloginroles system table and the online version of the table. Refer to Sybase’s Security Information Guide to help recreate changes to the system roles if they do not match.

Proceed to step 25.
Step 14: Sybsystemprocs Available?

The sybsystemprocs database is where Sybase locates all the system stored procedures. When a stored procedure is created here, it is available from any database in the dataserver. Therefore, when this database is unavailable, many important system stored procedures will be unavailable, such as sp_help, sp_helpdb, and sp_helpdevices. The rest of the dataserver databases will come up as long as they do not have problems, but the functionality of the dataserver will be severely degraded.

If sybsystemprocs is available, proceed to Step 20. Otherwise, proceed to step 15. Step 15: Problem With Data Devices?

If the dataservers error log file shows there are problems initializing a data device, then follow these commands to check OS device problems, fix them, and maybe replace them.

  1. Check ownership and permissions on devices.



    Use the OS commands to check permissions and make sure the process running the Sybase dataserver program has permissions to read and write to these devices. If they do not, either change the permissions on the devices, or change the user that is running the dataserver program to one that does have the correct permissions

  3. Is the device functioning correctly or does the device even exist?



    Sometimes, because of a change in the system, the operating system might no longer "see" the device. Also, there might be hardware failures or configuration errors that could cause the device to not appear. Use the appropriate OS procedure to check the device’s status and review all errorlogs.

  5. Unable to Detect Device at Startup?
Sometimes, when an OS cannot detect a device when a Sybase server is started, the device will be unavailable, and Sybase will not be able to recover the database. In this case, the database will be marked "suspect". This flag on the database tells Sybase not to waste anytime trying to recover this database the next time the dataserver restarts. This is efficient, but if the device’s problems are fixed with the data intact, the database should be able to come up the next time the system starts.

To get around this problem, the "suspect" flag must be cleared from the database. Unfortunately, there is no easy stored procedure to run to do this. If you are sure the database will come up ok on a restart, run the T-SQL commands in Figure K, replacing yourdbname with the name of the database the server needs to recover.

use master

/* tell dataserver to allow changes to system tables */

sp_configure "allow updates", 1

reconfigure with override


/* change the suspect status bit */

begin transaction

update sysdatdabases /* Only make change */

set status = status – 256 /* Turn the suspect flag (28 bit set) off */

where dbname = ‘yourdbname’ /* only on this database */

and status & 256 = 256 /* and only if flag is set */


commit transaction

/* tell dataserver to Not allow changes to system tables */

sp_configure "allow updates", 0


Figure K: Removing the suspect flag
Restart the server at this point. If the database still does not come back on, then something else must be wrong with the database. Review the dataserver error log for more information, and possible contact Sybase support. If there are still problems with the device files, repeat Step 15, then proceed to Step 16. If the device files are fine, proceed to step 17.
Step 16: Replace Device/Disk File

If a drive goes bad, but another one of the same size is available, the new one can be used in the place of the old in the Sybase database. This is because Sybase uses logical devices that point to the actual devices.

All databases that were using this device will need to be restored. To find out which databases these are, run the T-SQL command shown in Figure L:

select as DevName, as DBName,

sysusages.size/512 as Size

from sysdatabases, sysusages, sysdevices

where"BadDeviceName" and

sysdevices.low <= sysusages.vstart and

sysdevices.high >= sysusages.vstart and

sysusages.dbid = sysdatabases.dbid

Example Output:

DevName DBName Size

----------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------

BusDev1 BillingDB 3

BusDev1 ClientDB 2

Figure L: Locating databases that use a particular device

This command will only work if the master database at least comes up.

With this information, the original device must first be deleted from the system before the new device can be added. Before this, all databases that were using this device must first be dropped from the system. Use the drop database or the dbcc repairdb(dropdb,dbname) commands to drop the databases. Once they are all gone, then the device can be dropped by using the sp_dropdevice stored procedure.

Once the device is dropped, the new device can be added back into its place. Use the same disk init command that was used to create the bad device, but replace the physical name of the bad device with the name of the good device and use a different vdevno. For example, if the original disk’s physical name was /dev/rdsk/c0t2d1s0 with a disk init command of:

disk init





The new command using the replacement device /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s1 would be: disk init





Once the device has been restored, then all the database’s that were using that device need to be restored. Proceed to step 17. Step 17: Restore base sybsystemprocs from sybsystemprocs script

When the sybsystemprocs database needs to be restored, follow these directions:

  1. Find out which devices sybsystemprocs was installed on.



    First, try the command sp_helpdb sybsystemprocs to find out how large and on what device it was created on. Most likely this will not work. In that case, run the T-SQL command in Figure M instead:

    select, sysusages.size/512

    from sysdatabases, sysusages, sysdevices

    where = "sybsystemprocs" and

    sysusages.dbid = sysdatabases.dbid and

    sysdevices.low <= sysusages.vstart and

    sysdevices.high >= sysusages.vstart

    Example output:


    ------------------------------ -----------

    sysprocsdev 16

    Figure M: Finding out size of device

  3. Drop the sybsystemprocs database.



    In case the sybsystemprocs database is corrupt, it is best to drop it and recreate it fresh. First try the T-SQL command drop database sybsystemprocs. But, if it is not allowed by the system, use dbcc dbrepair (sybsystemprocs,dropdb) to drop the database.

  5. Recreate the sybsystemprocs database on the device shown in the above command.



    1> create database sybsystemprocs on sysprocsdev= 16MB

  7. Run installmaster or Restore from Backup



    If there is a current backup of the sybsystemprocs database, then it can be used to restore the database with the load command like this:

    load database sybsystemprocs from "device"

    Use the appropriate OS command for the dataserver environment.

    If there is no backup of the sybsystemprocs database, it will need to be recreated using T-SQL script installmaster. This script can be run safely without worry that it will affect other databases. To run the script, provide it as input to the isql program like this:

    isql –U sa –S SYB_MYDB –P mypasswd \

    –i $SYBASE/scripts/installmaster


    isql –U sa –S SYB_MYDB –P mypasswd \

    < $SYBASE/scripts/installmaster

    There will be a lot of output from this command, but it can be safely ignored until the script ends with the message "Loading of the master database is complete".

  9. Add any additional Stored Procedures/Changes



    If additional stored procedures were added to the system since the backup or since the initial install, recreate them now using the the scripts used to original create them or by entering the commands interactively.

  11. Check Stored Procedures



    Like with all the other recoveries, it is important to check out the recovery. The following command will show if the sybsystemprocs database is restored correctly.

    sp_helpdb sybsystemprocs

    If output describing the sybsystemprocs database is displayed when this is run, then system stored procedures have been restored correctly. Run any user defined stored procedures to confirm they run correctly.

  13. Dump the sybsystemprocs database
Once the database has been restored, make a complete backup of it with the dump command. Proceed to step 18. Step 18: Recent Dump of database? If there is no dump of database to restore, go to step 25 to reapply any creation/alteration scripts and load any bcp from database. If there is a recent dump, continue step 19. Step 19 : Restore from Dump

If the database is still offline at this point, then something is wrong with it internally, and it should be restored from backup. Before anything else is done, retrieve information about the database to use in the recreation. Enter the command in Figure N to find out about the allocations used by this database.


size as Blocks,

size/512 as Mbytes

from sysusages, sysdevices, sysdatabases

where = "baddbname" and

sysusages.dbid = sysdatabases.dbid and

sysdevices.low <= sysusages.vstart and

sysdevices.high >= sysusages.vstart and

sysdevices.cntrltype = 0

order by vstart

Example Output:

name Blocks Mbytes

---------------------- ---------- ---------

device1 1536 3

logdev1 1024 2

device3 2048 4

Figure N: Database allocations
  1. Drop the database



    First, try to drop the database using this T-SQL command:

    drop databasebaddbname

    If this command fails, use this dbcc command to drop the database:

    dbcc repairdb(dropdb,baddbname)

    To verify the database has been dropped, run the stored procedure sp_helpdb. If the database is shown in the output, something went wrong with the drop command.

  3. Recreate the database



    Using the information from Step 2 above, recreate the database using the same allocations it had. Here is an example based upon the example output in Step 2.

    create database baddbname

    on device1 = 3

    log on logdev1 = 2

    alter database baddbname

    on device3 = 4

  5. Bring the database online.



    At this point, the database has been recreated, but the system will not bring it online until it is told to. The reason the system does this is it has no way of knowing if there are any more transaction logs to process. To tell Sybase the database should be brought up by running the online database baddbname command.

  7. Load the database from dumps.



    Now reload the database using the most recent database and transaction dumps. First, apply the full database backup. For our example database, here is an example Unix load command using the tape device /dev/nrmt0.

    load database baddbname from ‘/dev/nrmt0’

    After this completes, apply each transaction log starting with the oldest and finishing with the newest. The system will not allow load of the transaction logs to occur out of order. In fact, if any of the logs are missing or corrupt, the rest of the logs cannot be applied. To load the transaction logs for our example above, enter the following command, repeating for each transaction dump:

    load transaction baddbname from ‘/dev/nrmt0’

    For more information on how to load dumps and transaction logs, please refer to the section on Restoring from a hot backup.

  9. Dump the database.
Whenever a database is restored, run a full backup on the database, and backup the master database too. The reason for the backup of the master database is because there was a removal and creation of a database. Whenever there are major changes to the dataserver, backup the master database. Continuing our example, the dump command would be:

dump database baddbname to ‘/dev/nrmt0’

Step 20: Is tempdb Available?

Is the tempdb online and available? To see this, review the messages generated when trying to start the database. There will be error messages complaining about tempdb not being available. The system will not be able to come up at this point.

If there are error messages, proceed to Step 15 to make sure tempdb’s devices are all available. If tempdb is available, continue to Step 23 to begin checking all the user defined databases. Step 21: Model Database Available? If the model database online and available, proceed to step 24. If it is not, continue to step 22 to recreate the model database. Step 22: Recreate Generic Model Database

The model database is used by the dataserver when creating all other databases. If a specific attribute (larger size, tables, permissions, stored procedures) is required in all databases, make the change first in the model database. Then, from that point on, every database created will contain this change.

If you have a backup of the model database and you can use the isql use command, then the database can be restored directly from backup using the load command. If not, then the database must be restored from scratch. Follow the following commands to accomplish this:

  1. Run buildmaster



    If there is no backup available of the model database, the buildmaster command can be used to restore the model database to the same state as when the dataserver was first installed. Here is a Unix example:

    buildmaster –d/syback/master.dbf –x

    In this example, the -d parameter is the master database file path, and the -x parameter tells buildmaster to restore the model database. Be sure to use the appropriate buildmaster command for your OS. This can be found in the Sybase Utilities manual.

  3. If a backup of the model database is available, use it in a load command to restore it from the backup.



    load database model from"/sybackups/model.dmp"

  5. If additional changes were made since the last backup, apply them at this point.
  6. Backup the model database using the dump command.
Return to step 18. Step 23: All Databases Online?

If when the dataserver is coming up, and an error occurs with any of the devices associated with that database, or something has corrupted the database, the non-system database could be prevented from coming and will be marked "suspect".

To see if all the databases after the system databases are online, review the messages generated when trying to start the database. There will be error messages complaining about any databases not being available. Fortunately, because all the system databases are available, the Sybase server will come up. If this happens, proceed to Step 15 to make sure all the user database devices are all available. If all the database are available, then the system is up and no recovery is required.

If all the databases are online, you are done. If not, return to step 15. Step 24: Contact Sybase Support

If you have reached this step, then some problem that might be specific to the OS, version of Sybase, or other factors is occuring. Please refer to the Sybase System Administration guides for your OS, or contact Sybase support for additional help.

Return to step 1. Step 25: Re-apply any additional scripts or bcp’s.

If any additional scripts had been run on the database since the last dump, then these scripts need to be run again. Since they are user created, you will need to refer to the user’s instructions on how to run these.

On top of additional scripts, there might be bcp files of data from these databases. Follow the steps needed to restore these data files to the originating database tables. Please refer to the Logical Backups section below on loading data into the system.

Proceed to step 26. Step 26: Review against hardcopies

Using hardcopies of the system tables and any important user tables, compare the current data with the data captured in the hardcopies. If there are discrepancies, then there could be additional problems with the dataserver. Refer to the Sybase Administration manuals to find out if the differences need to be repaired or are ok. Double check all permissions on the database if any changes were made in the syslogin or sysrole tables. If there are, correct before turning the system over to the user population.

Proceed to step 27. Step 27: Dump all Restored Databases

Now that the database has been restored, dump the database to a new dump file. This way a current dump of the database, including all scripts and data changes, will be saved. This will help facilitate recovery in case future problems.

Return to step 1.